Resource Menu

by Stéphane Bagnier - (no comment)
See the LibreSource changelog


Installation from the self content installer

  • LibreSource Installer:
    • Libresource-2.2-installer.jar This installer do not require a JOnAS installation, only an access to a PostgreSQL>7.4 database and a JDK>1.5.
    • To run it just type: java -jar Libresource-2.2-installer.jar.
    • Under windows be sure to install LibreSource under a directory that does not contain any spaces in the path.
    • If postgres and Libresource do not run with the same user, you have to be sure that the user than execute the database server can write into the LibreSource working directory. (YOUR_INSTALL_DIR/tmp-work/files)
    • After running the installer, go in your installation directory and run or start.bat to start the LibreSource server.
    • There is a miss spell in the Linux Tigase script error:
      • To fix the script just remove the last char of the command line in order to get something like "… tigase.server.XMPPServer -c tigase-libresource.xml"
      • Then you can execute this script to run tigase.
    • Once the LibreSource server is launched, connect yourself to the server url with your browser : http://localhost:9000.
    • Follow the given instruction
    • The server is ready to use.

Installation based on an existing JONAS



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