Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c RE : Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/d1c01c43c0a8001e01e448e1917f4f12 Sebastien Jourdain 2006-09-21T21:00:30+02:00 For the moment, I don't have much idea, but I will try to think of it…]]> RE : Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/d184aadfc0a8001e0076f79d238bb1b7 Robert Young 2006-09-21T19:55:35+02:00 My LibresourceMail.properties file looks like:

mail.factory.name libresourceMail
mail.factory.type javax.mail.Session
mail.from libresource@[myDomainName].com
mail.smtp.host [myComputerName]
mail.smtp.port 25

(I assume that these two lines below aren't needed)

#mail.authentication.username [jamesAdminUserName]
#mail.authentication.password [jamesAdminUserPassword]
My %JAMES_HOME%/apps/james/SAR-INF/config.xml looks like:

(this is only the pieces that I modified)

<servernames autodetect="true" autodetectIP="true">

(I run on a nat, so the 'myComputerIP' is not my public ip.)

<mailet match="RemoteAddrNotInNetwork=,[myComputerIP]" class="ToProcessor">
            <processor> relay-denied </processor>
            <notice>550 - Requested action not taken: relaying denied</notice>


<dnsserver> <servers> <server>[dns ip address]</server> <server>[alternate dns ip address]</server> </servers> <autodiscover>false</autodiscover> <authoritative>true</authoritative> </dnsserver>


<remotemanager> <port>4555</port> <handler> <helloName autodetect="false">[myComputerName.myDomainName.com]</helloName> <administrator_accounts> <account login="[jamesAdminUserName]" password="[jamesAdminUserPassword]"/> </administrator_accounts> <connectiontimeout> 60000 </connectiontimeout> </handler> </remotemanager>

(I replaced the same elements as above (remotemanager tag) for tags: pop3server, smtpserver, and nntpserver)


So, If setup, within libresource, the users email of (for example) myUser@myDomainName.com, and within james I add the username of 'myUser' and set forwarding for user 'myUser' to go to myUser@gmail.com the mail will be delivered by james. However, if I setup, within libresource, the users email of myUser@gmail.com the mail is never sent. In fact, if I watch the james outgoing folder, I can see mail going into the outgoing directory when mail is successful, but when mail fails there hasn't been any mail sent from libresource to the outgoing folder in james.

Any Ideas?]]> RE : Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/cf8abb1fc0a8001e00c5356e2f66b344 Sebastien Jourdain 2006-09-21T10:42:58+02:00 Did you well configured James to send mail to other mail adress than the James one ?

For the Libresource errors, it's not your fault, I think there is a little mistake in the event notification part, but we didn't identify the problem yet. This exception doesn't prevent the event to be sent an occured sometime. ]]> RE : Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/cf5e05e2c0a8001e01e3561bf3379839 Guest 2006-09-21T09:54:08+02:00 I also am seeing these errors when sending email. I see it when the email is successful and when it isn't.

Also, is there a configuration I am missing that will correct these exceptions?

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:424)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:461)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at java.text.DigitList.getLong(DigitList.java:167)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at java.text.DecimalFormat.parse(DecimalFormat.java:1271)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.subParse(SimpleDateFormat.java:1692)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.parse(SimpleDateFormat.java:1124)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at java.text.DateFormat.parse(DateFormat.java:333)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at org.libresource.LibresourceEvent.toLibresourceEvent(LibresourceEvent.java:108)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at org.libresource.core.ejb.EventLoggerBean.onMessage(EventLoggerBean.java:70)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor135.invoke(Unknown Source)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.container.JMessageEndpointProxy.invoke(JMessageEndpointProxy.java:214)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at $Proxy0.onMessage(Unknown Source)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at org.objectweb.joram.client.connector.InboundSession.onMessage(InboundSession.java:165)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.Session.run(Session.java:852)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at org.objectweb.joram.client.connector.InboundSession.run(InboundSession.java:150)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_lib.JWorkManager.doMyWork(JWorkManager.java:386)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_lib.JWorkManager.nextWork(JWorkManager.java:443)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 01:13:01 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_lib.JWorkManager$WorkThread.run(JWorkManager.java:536)


INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | Thu Sep 21 00:37:32 MDT 2006 : LOGGER ERROR : For input string: ""
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 2006-09-21 00:37:32,300 : JMessageEndpointProxy.invoke : error thrown by an enterprise Bean
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | java.lang.NullPointerException
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.libresource.kernel.ejb.KernelEventListenerBean.onMessage(KernelEventListenerBean.java:63)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor135.invoke(Unknown Source)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.container.JMessageEndpointProxy.invoke(JMessageEndpointProxy.java:214)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at $Proxy0.onMessage(Unknown Source)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.joram.client.connector.InboundSession.onMessage(InboundSession.java:165)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.Session.run(Session.java:852)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.joram.client.connector.InboundSession.run(InboundSession.java:150)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_lib.JWorkManager.doMyWork(JWorkManager.java:386)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_lib.JWorkManager.nextWork(JWorkManager.java:443)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_lib.JWorkManager$WorkThread.run(JWorkManager.java:536)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 2006-09-21 00:37:32,300 : JFactory.postInvoke : system exception in business method:
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.NullPointerException
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.container.JMessageEndpointProxy.invoke(JMessageEndpointProxy.java:222)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at $Proxy0.onMessage(Unknown Source)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.joram.client.connector.InboundSession.onMessage(InboundSession.java:165)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.Session.run(Session.java:852)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.joram.client.connector.InboundSession.run(InboundSession.java:150)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_lib.JWorkManager.doMyWork(JWorkManager.java:386)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_lib.JWorkManager.nextWork(JWorkManager.java:443)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_lib.JWorkManager$WorkThread.run(JWorkManager.java:536)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.libresource.kernel.ejb.KernelEventListenerBean.onMessage(KernelEventListenerBean.java:63)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor135.invoke(Unknown Source)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	at org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.container.JMessageEndpointProxy.invoke(JMessageEndpointProxy.java:214)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/09/21 00:37:32 | 	… 7 more
RE : Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/9fe73503c0a8001e0144791705276659 Guest 2006-01-11T12:22:57+01:00 RE : Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/9f91607bc0a8001e006920463905207c Maxime Biais 2006-01-11T12:22:57+01:00 Mail service You have to configure a MailSession tha point to a valid mail server. MailSession definition:
  • Create a file named JONAS_ROOT/conf/libresourceMail.properties :
        mail.factory.name libresourceMail
        mail.factory.type javax.mail.Session
        mail.from libresource@<your_organisation>.org
        mail.smtp.host <your_smtp_server>
        mail.smtp.port <your_smtp_port>
        #mail.authentication.username <my.username>
        #mail.authentication.password <my.password>
  • Edit the folowing line in $JONAS_ROOT/conf/jonas.properties
        jonas.service.mail.factories    libresourceMail
  • Add "mail" at the end of the following line in the file $JONAS_ROOT/conf/jonas.properties
        jonas.services    registry,jmx,jtm,dbm,security,resource,ejb,web,ear,mail

(quoted message not found : ls://dev.libresource.org/home/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/9f6456b8c0a8001e01dba6fc27a46f12)

LibreSource mail notifications are synchrone (as the jabber service).]]>
RE : Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/9f6456b8c0a8001e01dba6fc27a46f12 Rüdiger Lincke 2006-01-11T12:22:57+01:00 When is LibreSource supposed to send the email when it catches an event in a filter? Immediatelly or does it collect it and send it in an interval, e.g. every hour or something?]]> RE : Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/9f594a10c0a8001e001e1f0d5c200e1d Rüdiger Lincke 2006-01-11T12:22:57+01:00 Event notification problem http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/9f57046fc0a8001e01723ae069e0951c/9f5704e2c0a8001e0196853d07c5cc4e Rüdiger Lincke 2006-01-11T12:22:57+01:00 I set up some event filters in our libre source installation under My Page.

They look like this: Watch issues libresourceBugTracker.issue.assign * /users/rle mail Collect all events * * * mail test libresourceBugTracker.issue.assign /projects/test/bugtracker * mail

My user is: /users/rle, and I configured my email address.

For some reason I do not receive any notification email from libresource. My collegue, thinks that Jonas and LibreSource should be properly configured for sending email. I believe, that the filters are configured correct.

Does anybody have some suggestions, on how to debug this. Where could we look to see, if the events are generated, collected, and the email sent?

Thank you in advance.
