My Assigned Issues 0 RE : My Assigned Issues 0 Sebastien Jourdain 2008-05-28T17:32:50+02:00 Sorry… This could be part of the future improvement…]]> RE : My Assigned Issues 0 ValerioCasal 2008-05-22T19:03:53+02:00 another thing...

when i assing a bug to a user and i'm logged as root and see the user profile i can't see ever the assigned issues to that user.

I also tried to create e group in a project (/projects/stapat/stapatdevs) and include two users on this group. Can i assign the bug on this group? i've tried to assign it using /projects/stapat/stapatdevs but doesn't work.


Valerio ]]> RE : My Assigned Issues 0 Sebastien Jourdain 2008-05-22T17:21:29+02:00 My Assigned Issues 0 ValerioCasal 2008-05-22T16:03:49+02:00 it's a sort of bug?

i've download installed and configured Libresource-2.5-installer.jar on my local machine windows xp sp2 jdk1.6.0_04

thanks, Valerio]]>