Feature Request http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new add preview page in wiki http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/4fb2cea2c0a8001e0100c1efeb4276e0 Guest 2006-02-09T17:44:11+01:00 Adding ownership in the download areas http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/Adding_ownership_in_the_download_areas gdf 2008-06-02T16:02:35+02:00 On the contrary, in a forum, the owner of a message has a special right to read his message that is automatically added to the ACLs of the message.

We would like that the same kind of mechanism applies to the owner of a file inside a download area, i.e that the submitter also possess the right to update and/or delete the file. ]]> Advanced search http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/Advanced_search bastien 2010-01-26T09:40:24+01:00

  • Search all unresolved bugs
  • Search all bugs assigned to a specific user
  • Search by Priority, Reporter, Type
  • ...
  • ]]>
    Allow to delete user http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/a7e983b1c0a8001e00abc7d64778ec40 Guest 2006-02-26T20:50:32+01:00
  • when I try to create new user with the same login, I get the message 'user exists', i.e. the user was not purged from the database
  • 2. when I try to login using credentials of the deleted user, I get java error: 'javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while evaluating function "ls:connectedUser"']]>
    Automatic reload after synchronisation http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/d1e72c31c0a8001e01e7748cbde9d07f Guest 2005-07-01T00:18:05+02:00 Demo with limited functionality http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/Demo_with_limited_functionality soreilly 2007-05-02T02:17:52+02:00 human readable svn path for projects http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/human_readable_svn_path_for_projects Yann Richard 2007-06-19T16:48:56+02:00 svn ressource in projects/test/svn then create svn://xxx/ls-svn/projects/test/svn ?

    or ask for a path name to the user ?]]> Installation pb with 2.2 http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/Installation_pb_with_2_2 xaviermehaut 2007-10-08T15:20:54+02:00 more web2.0 look and feel with GWT http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/more_web2_0_look_and_feel_with_GWT xaviermehaut 2007-10-08T15:19:34+02:00 Plugins is not working http://dev.libresource.org/home/development/new/Plugins_is_not_working root123 2008-09-25T08:05:06+02:00