Help me, I just change the database RE : Help me, I just change the database Sebastien Jourdain 2009-10-12T20:57:59+02:00 RE : Help me, I just change the database sheepkon 2009-10-12T07:10:04+02:00 It is done ~

I found the problem . The problem is in the sequoia(C-JDBC oftware) .

It must be a bug .

so ~ I was killed an target configuretion . every thing going be fine .

thank you ,thanks for your help . I m appreciate .]]> RE : Help me, I just change the database Sebastien Jourdain 2009-10-11T10:59:14+02:00 Seb]]> RE : Help me, I just change the database sheepkon 2009-10-11T03:32:27+02:00 file storing ~

I used drbd to solve the shared problem space ~

Before , I just download a libresource2.5.jar to install.

And now , I tried to ant the source to jonas , may be it will work ~]]> RE : Help me, I just change the database Sebastien Jourdain 2009-10-10T09:53:34+02:00 And once again, the only tricky part was related to file storing, not a locking error.


Seb]]> RE : Help me, I just change the database sheepkon 2009-10-10T05:25:40+02:00 hope your help ~]]> RE : Help me, I just change the database Sebastien Jourdain 2009-10-09T11:09:25+02:00 For quartz, you don't need that at all. I was just pointing the origin of the error in the libresource part. But it don't explaned at all what lock your database ?

Have you looked in google "quartz lock database" ?

Regarding the libresource code, I've already said the important stuff.]]> RE : Help me, I just change the database sheepkon 2009-10-09T10:53:15+02:00 Quartz it's a cron like library used in LibreSource. That's that library that use the term "job".

oh ~ I thought .

Is it the Quartz part used "pg_dump" command ?

but the sequoia has not this package ....

Is it the problem ?]]> RE : Help me, I just change the database Sebastien Jourdain 2009-10-09T10:45:58+02:00 ]]> RE : Help me, I just change the database sheepkon 2009-10-09T10:39:46+02:00 when I start the LibreSource server , there has no error message~

My saviour ~ just help anyway]]>