XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_ RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug__8 Sebastien Jourdain 2007-09-07T01:56:46+02:00 Another things, is that when you export you project you should be able to see on which resource the XML file stops. (uri)

For cache reason it might not be that one, but I suppose it's a resource below that one or a sibling. So with few check you should be able to get the information...

Normally, such error should generate server error.]]> RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug__7 Rüdiger Lincke 2007-09-03T23:28:58+02:00

  • first IE7 does cause some problems, in particular with listing children.
  • I have some inconsistency in one resource of my database causing it to break the xml export. Also the template generation from this resource does not work. I used a different resource.
  • For now everything works fine, when I use Firefox (dont know about other browers).

    Any idea if there is a way to find out which resources are causing the problem, so that I can remove or fix them? In my case, I just know the project being problematic, but I do not have the time to export each single resource to find out, which one it is. Yet I assume it might be some synchronizer.]]> RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug__6 Rüdiger Lincke 2007-09-03T21:43:02+02:00 I think its not a problem with the database or LibreSource, its my browser.

    I will see, and come back with more information, when I have it. ]]> RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug__5 Sebastien Jourdain 2007-08-30T10:53:28+02:00 RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug__4 Rüdiger Lincke 2007-08-30T10:50:52+02:00 When I try to view the children of any resource, but the root /, it duplicates the /projects string, and this fails.

    e.g., instead of .../projects/courses?action=children, it shows .../projects/projects/coureses?action=children

    Which fails of course.

    Any idea, where the related data is stored in the database, so that I could fix it there.]]> RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug__3 Sebastien Jourdain 2007-08-30T10:43:50+02:00 As I understand the problem is related to a specific resource in your subtree. Normally you should see error on the standard output. (not necessary on the jonas logs.) Did you manage to make a list children as a huge tree of the thing that you tried to export ? First of all you should check that all the previous resource could be seen on the web. For the database corruption, I don't believe in that.

    Find out the node that is sick. And tel me which one with the std output as log.]]> RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug__2 Rüdiger Lincke 2007-08-30T10:29:27+02:00 with extending the time of transaction timeout in jonas, do you mean the setting: jonas.service.jtm.timeout in the jonas.properties file?

    It has a default value of 3600 seconds, which is about 1 hour. I guess this should be enough, and the export takes just a few minutes. Or am I looking at the wrong setting?

    I do not find any exception in the jonas or libresource logs (JONAS/logs folder).

    I export as root, and even locally to do it fast, but the file is not complete.

    The problem seems to be related to the resources I am trying to export. I tried it with some other parts, and there it works well. Maybe there is something wrong with the data in the database, causing the export to be incomplete.

    Is there a way to validate my database, to find out if there is something invalid, causing trouble?

    Actually, the reason, why I try to export and import is, the template creating of that resource does not work, thats propably connected.

    Well, after further investigation, I found that somehow my database is corrupt, showing:

    The resource does not exist ls://cs.msi.vxu.se:9000/projects/courses/dab702/projects/courses/dab702 :: "/projects/courses/dab702" has no child "null"

    I dont know, if this is the reason or a consequence of my doings. I will restore it to a previous state, and check then, if the problem still occur.]]> RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug__1 Rüdiger Lincke 2007-08-29T16:28:53+02:00 RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug__0 Sebastien Jourdain 2007-08-29T16:17:13+02:00

  • Check for server exception (Error in exporter or in data on the server -> Need to fix exporter/data)
  • Do the export as Root (Faster access to nodes)
  • Extend the time of transaction timeout in jonas (Timeout config)
  • ]]>
    RE : XML Export bug? http://dev.libresource.org/home/community/forum/XML_Export_bug_/RE_XML_Export_bug_ Rüdiger Lincke 2007-08-29T16:02:11+02:00 I tried it from different computers, always same result.]]>