so6 eclipse plugin settings RE : so6 eclipse plugin settings Robert Young 2006-08-24T22:36:11+02:00 In order to get the eclipse plugin to work follow these instructions.
  1. Make sure that eclipse is not running
  2. Move the following plugins from the plugin directory; $eclipse_home/eclipse/plugins/ to a temporary directory. The cvs U.I. plugin:
  3. Now start eclipse and close it again.
  4. Now reinstall the cvs plugin that was removed.
  5. Install the So6 plugin by unzipping the file into the directory $eclipse_home/eclipse ex. F:/Program Files/eclipse-SDK-3.1.2-win32/eclipse
  6. Now start eclipse
  7. Create or open a project.
  8. Right click on the project and choose team, then share.
  9. You should now see a window like:
    • Share Project;
      • select a repository type: So6, cvs.
  1. Select So6
  2. Select the "create a new connection" tab.
  3. Enter the values in the fields.
Workspace name: 	MyTestWorkspace  	[or any other workspace]
Synchronizer URI: 	/projects/test/source  	[or any other synchronizer directory]
Username:		[your user name]
Password:		[your password]
Server address:  [your server host address (the port number is needed.)]
Client type:		LibreSource client
  1. If you get errors, make sure that you don’t have any extra spaces before or after the data entered in the fields listed above.
RE : so6 eclipse plugin settings Sebastien Jourdain 2006-07-26T09:53:05+02:00 I will try to give you some more details about those fields.

The needed fields are:

Workspace name: The name that will appear on the list of connected workspace in LibreSource on the Synchronizer web page. (This is only an information to retreive easily which workspace is yours when you are using the web interface.)

Synchronizer URI: In LibreSource each service or data has a URI to identify uniquely iteself, so you must identify on which synchronizer you want to connect your local workspace. It will looks like "/projects/MyProject/src"

Username: Your LibreSource login

Password: Your LibreSource password

Server address: The URL to your LibreSource. For exemple:

Client Type: Just use the LibreSource one.

> Also, must there be an existing project created in LibreSource prior to sharing the project with the eclipse plugin?

Yes you need to create a Synchronizer first on Libresource. LibreSource is much more than just a CVS or SVN, so it allow you to use for your project several kind of services with or without versionning tool. And if you just need a versioning tool, then you can directly:

  • create a new Synchronizer in LibreSource without any project, (Then your libresource will be only a set of Synchronizer with nothing more...)
  • set the security rules on this synchronizer
  • use it from the web or from the eclipse plugin.
I hope this could help you.


Artenum Team]]> so6 eclipse plugin settings Robert Young 2006-07-26T06:08:09+02:00 Can you define exactly what information is needed in each field. Please give examples as they would relate to the LibreSource repository.


The needed fields are:

Workspace name:
Synchronizer URI:
Username: [my user name]
Password: [my password]
Server address:
Client Type: [LibreSource Client]

Also, must there be an existing project created in LibreSource prior to sharing the project with the eclipse plugin?]]>