How to install LibreSource How to install LibreSource Rüdiger Lincke 2006-01-11T12:22:59+01:00 RE : How to install LibreSource Guest 2006-01-11T12:22:59+01:00 Our first problem was, that we used the wrong Jonas version (4.4.3) instead of the recommended one 4.3.4.

Further the ThirdParty libraries provided on the project page did not work. We received a new compilation, which did that trick.

After this we could start LibreSource.

The bootstraping failed first, because we needed to clean the database and use the database root instead of the system root account.

Now we are about to create our first project, and we are stuck with some Permission denied error. The documentation (LSTN02QuickStartIssue0_4.pdf) is unfortunately not complete and the chapter about how to create a new project is empty.

Does anybody have an idea, where to find more information about setting up projects, creating users and user groups, and adjusting the template, to show our university logo and colors and so on?

Thank you in advance.]]> RE : How to install LibreSource Maxime Biais 2006-01-11T12:22:59+01:00 to undeploy and redeploy the EAR.]]> RE : How to install LibreSource Maxime Biais 2006-01-11T12:22:59+01:00 You may have a skin problem when JOnAS can't connect to postresql. Check the postgresql server, your datasource and the jdbc driver.]]>