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RE : Event notification problem
To use mail notification, you have to configure JOnAS as the installation file explains :

Mail service

You have to configure a MailSession tha point to a valid mail server. MailSession definition:
  • Create a file named JONAS_ROOT/conf/ : libresourceMail
        mail.factory.type javax.mail.Session
        mail.from libresource@<your_organisation>.org <your_smtp_server>
        mail.smtp.port <your_smtp_port>
        #mail.authentication.username <my.username>
        #mail.authentication.password <my.password>
  • Edit the folowing line in $JONAS_ROOT/conf/
        jonas.service.mail.factories    libresourceMail
  • Add "mail" at the end of the following line in the file $JONAS_ROOT/conf/    registry,jmx,jtm,dbm,security,resource,ejb,web,ear,mail

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LibreSource mail notifications are synchrone (as the jabber service).
posted by Maxime Biais at Jan 11, 2006 12:22 PM