Resource Menu

Id : 6
Type : BUG
Reporter : Rüdiger Lincke
Assignee :
Florent Jouille
Priority : CRITICAL
Creation Date : 01 Sep 05 02:10
Last Update Date : 09 May 07 02:27
Resolution : Fixed
Post Message right not inherited?
When in a Forum resource a new Thread is posted, this Thread resource does not seem to inherit the Post message right for all users/groups having the right to post in the forum. (compare forum post: ! 11882746c0a8001e003fb70cbc000417 !)

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3 comment(s)
comment by Guest - 09 May 07 02:27 AM 渠道网(低价注册公司)专业从事注册香港公司、海外公司注册、深圳公司注册、注册商标、注册国际书刊号及提供注册公司后企业运作的配套服务,公司注册成立后是企业运作的开始,渠道网并提供:项目融资、项目投资、企业形象资金、公司注册验资及全国打款、国际框架组建、品牌概念合作、品牌加盟、投资移民、技术移民、海外形象代言人、海外股东信托、代理记帐报税、企业营销咨询、企业合理避税、品牌规划、香港上市、新加坡上市、美国上市公关、GOOGLE左侧排名、网站建设、网站推广等系列配套服务。并提供快速消费渠道信息,实现渠道信息共享!如何注册公司请立即咨询:罗鸿汇先生13510141316渠道网,为你省钱!

invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=香港公司注册流程/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司好处、注册香港公司、如何注册公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册BVI公司、BVI公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司、香港公司注册、注册公司! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=购买香港公司/深圳购买公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册深圳公司、深圳注册公司、如何注册公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册海外公司/海外公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=域名注册/深圳域名注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=深圳网站推广/网站优化/GOOGLE左侧排名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=香港公司代理记帐/代理记帐报税/香港代理记帐报税! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=渠道网注册香港公司/香港公司注册! url !

invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=网站建设/设网站/自助建站/网站建设! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=工艺、IML、IMD! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港商标、注册商标、香港商标注册! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册中国商标、注册商标、商标注册! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司、深圳注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=代理记帐报税! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=银行开户/开香港本地帐户! url !

invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=虚拟主机/主机! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=空间/空间! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=数据库! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=企业邮局/企业邮箱/邮箱! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=主机租用/主机托管/租用托管! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=通用网址、注册通用网址! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=工艺、IML、IMD! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=公司取名、品牌取名、取名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=创业策划、策划! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司好处、注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司、香港公司注册、注册公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册萨摩亚公司、注册SAMOA公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册BVI公司、注册维尔京公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=营销咨询/渠道咨询! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册BVI公司、BVI公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册英国公司、英国公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册美国公司、美国公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册深圳公司、深圳公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=新加坡主板上市、上市公关! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=香港主板上市、香港上市! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=美国纳斯达克上市、美国上市! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=澳门投资移民、澳门移民、移民! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册国际书刊号、注册书号、注册刊号! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=香港投资移民、香港移民、移民香港! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册中国商标、注册商标、商标注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港商标、注册商标、香港商标注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册欧盟商标、注册商标、商标注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册马德里商标、注册商标、商标注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url= 渠道网注册香港公司/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=常年企业顾问! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=浩天注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=餐饮渠道、渠道! url !

invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=香港公司注册流程/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司好处、注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册BVI公司、BVI公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司、香港公司注册、注册公司! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=购买香港公司/深圳购买公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册深圳公司、深圳注册公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册海外公司/海外公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=域名注册/域名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=网站推广/网站优化/GOOGLE左侧排名! url !

invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册英国公司、英国公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=域名注册/域名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=网站推广/网站优化/GOOGLE左侧排名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=网站建设/设网站/自助建站/网站建设! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=工艺、IML、IMD! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港商标、注册商标、香港商标注册! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册中国商标、注册商标、商标注册! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司、深圳注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=代理记帐报税! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=银行开户/开香港本地帐户! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册BVI公司/注册香港公司/注册深圳公司! url !

invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=香港公司注册流程/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司好处、注册香港公司、如何注册公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册BVI公司、BVI公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司、香港公司注册、注册公司! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=购买香港公司/深圳购买公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册深圳公司、深圳注册公司、如何注册公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册海外公司/海外公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=域名注册/域名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=网站推广/网站优化/GOOGLE左侧排名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=渠道网注册香港公司/香港公司注册! url !

invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=网站建设/设网站/自助建站/网站建设! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=工艺、IML、IMD! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港商标、注册商标、香港商标注册! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册中国商标、注册商标、商标注册! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司、深圳注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=代理记帐报税! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=银行开户/开香港本地帐户! url !

invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=虚拟主机/主机! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=空间/空间! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=数据库! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=企业邮局/企业邮箱/邮箱! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=主机租用/主机托管/租用托管! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=通用网址、注册通用网址! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=工艺、IML、IMD! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=公司取名、品牌取名、取名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=创业策划、策划! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司好处、注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司、香港公司注册、注册公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册萨摩亚公司、注册SAMOA公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册BVI公司、注册维尔京公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=营销咨询/渠道咨询! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url= 渠道网注册香港公司/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=常年企业顾问! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=浩天注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=餐饮渠道、渠道! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册英国公司、英国公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册美国公司、美国公司注册! url !

invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=香港公司注册流程/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司好处、注册香港公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司、香港公司注册、注册公司! url !invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册香港公司/香港公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=购买香港公司/深圳购买公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册深圳公司、深圳注册公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册海外公司/海外公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=域名注册/域名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=网站推广/网站优化/GOOGLE左侧排名! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册BVI公司/注册香港公司/注册深圳公司! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册开曼公司/开曼公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册塞舌尔公司/塞舌尔公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=注册安圭拉公司/安圭拉公司注册! url ! invalid link : url= character in scheme name at index 3: url=如何注册公司/如何公司注册! url !

comment by Florent Jouille - 11 Jan 06 12:23 PM Done.
comment by Gérald Oster - 11 Jan 06 12:23 PM That's right…
It should be fixed soon.
Post a comment :

Wiki Syntax

Simple text filters

1 Title a style 1 heading (major heading)
1.1 Title a style 1.1 heading (minor heading)
- text a list item (with -), several lines create a single list
* text a list item (with *)
1. text an enumerated list
__bold__boldsimple bold text
~~italics~~italicssimple italic text
--strike--strikestrike through text
(empty line) produces a new paragraph
 creates a line break, please use sparingly!
[/documentation] or [../documentation] or [/documentation|Doc]Like a standard linkinternal link to another document a link to an external resource, special characters that come after the URL and are not part of it must be separated with a space.
\XXescape special character X (i.e. {)
---- creates a horizontal rule

Macros List

Macro syntaxe: {macroName:key1=param1|key2=param2|...}

apiGenerates links to Java or Ruby API documentation.1: class name, e.g. java.lang.Object or java.lang.Object@Java131
2: mode, e.g. Java12, Ruby, defaults to Java (optional)
asinGenerates links to DVD/CD dealers or comparison services. Configuration is read from conf/asinservices.txt1: asin number
blinkBlink a text.the text
bookmarksDisplay the user bookmarks.none
boxCreate a box in order to change the basic disposition.1. the box title (optional)
2. the floating behaviour (left or right) (optional)
3. the height of the box (px,%) (optional)
4. the width of the box (px,%) (optional)
childrenDisplay the current children list.1. uri= ...(optional) where you list the resources, the default uri is the current
2. groupby=… (optional) to group resources.The following value are available : type or owner or uri or creation or update or name
3. sort=… (optional) to sort resources. The values available are : type or owner or uri or creation or update or name
4. creation=...(optional) allows you to filter on the creation date. The values available are: Date (dd/MM/yyyy) or '+'/'-'/'!' followed by a Date(dd/MM/yyyy): allows to keep superior/inferior/exclude date
5. update=...(optional) allows you to filter on the modification date. The values available are: Date (dd/MM/yyyy) or '+'/'-'/'!' followed by a Date(dd/MM/yyyy): allows to keep superior/inferior/exclude date
6. type=...(optional) :allows you to filter resources with its type. The values available are : Project, Template, Timeline, Page, Repository, File, Forum, Thread, Message, Group, Synchronizer, BugTracker, Issue, Site, Survey, Form, DropBox
7. owner=...(optional):allows you to show only resources belonging to one user or many users.
8. limit=...(optional): allows you to limit the displayed resources
9. depth=...(optional): allows you to fix the depth of listed ressources
10. view=...(optional): to fix the view of displayed resources. The view available are : flat (default view) or count(to display the number of listed ressources) or tree(display resource following tree viewer)
codeDisplays a chunk of code with syntax highlighting, for example Java, XML and SQL. The none type will do nothing and is useful for unknown code types.1: syntax highlighter to use, defaults to java (optional)
helloSay hello example macro.1: name to print
htmlBy pass wiki engine to allow HTML code in contentthe html block
api-docsDisplays a list of known online API documentations and mappings.none
file-pathDisplays a file system path. The file path should use slashes. Defaults to windows.1: file path
imageDisplay an image.1. the image URI
2. align (right ,left or center) (optional)
3. width (optional)
4. height (optional)
inter-wikiDisplays a list of known InterWiki mappings.none
isbnGenerates links to book dealers or comparison services. Configuration is read from conf/bookservices.txt.1: isbn number
linkGenerate a weblink.unexplained, lazy programmer, probably
list-of-macrosDisplays a list of available macros.unexplained, lazy programmer, probably
loginBoxDisplay a login box.none
mailtoDisplays an email address.1: mail address
menuInclude the menu of the specified URI1. The uri for the menu to be include
newsDisplay a message thread as news.1. the thread URI
2. Max (optional)
preAllow rigid text style. (Keep text formating)none
printFieldDisplay a node forms fields values.1. (uri=) The uri on which you want to get the form value (Optional, by default=.)
2. (print=) Print or not the field label and the field value (Optional, by default=label, value, edit)
3. (field=) Print or not the specified field (Optional, by default will print all)
quoteDisplay quotations.1: source (optional)
2: displayed description, default is Source (optional)
quoteMessageQuote a message in another message by referencing only the message URI.1. The message URI to quote.
resourceInclude the view of a LibreSource resource.1. the uri of the resource (mandatory)
2. the view (optional)
3. the action (optional)
4. noaction (optional)
rfcGenerates links to RFCs.unexplained, lazy programmer, probably
rssInclude an RSS feed.1. the url of the rss feed (mandatory)
searchBoxDisplay a search box.1. the URI pattern
subProjectsDisplay the current subProjects list.none
summaryCreate the summary of a wiki page.1. the page URI (optional)
surveyDisplay results of a survey.the survey URI
tableDisplays a table.none
tableFormDisplay a table listing form results.1. (uri=) The uri on which you want to get the form value (Optional, by default use the local path)
2. (print=) Print additinal features such as a link to the data (goLink) or a link to get a CSV file (csvExport) (Optional, by default print all)
3. (field=) The list of field to show (Optional by default all)
timelineDisplay the first items of a timeline.1. the timeline URI
2. Max items (optional)
userGenerate a link to the current user page, according 'action'.1. the action (optional)
2. the link label (optional)
workspacesDisplay the user workspaces.none
xrefGenerates links to Java Xref source code.1: class name, e.g. java.lang.Object or java.lang.Object@Nanning
2: line number (optional)


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