The purpose of the LibreSource Design Committee is to define and control the main axis of the evolution of the LibreSource platform software design and its related projects. Its main objectives are:
- Encourage a community development dynamics the most active possible
- Maintain the self-consistency of the platform, its related open-standards and projects.
- Maintain the ascendant compatibility of the various versions of the LibreSource Community Edition
- Maintain the perenity of the whole platform and services by the research of the best compromise between a stable design and the most up-to-date possible.
To reach these objectives, the LibreSource Design Committee is in charge of:
- The collection and the centralisation through a Wish List of Users Requirements outlined by the LibreSource users, the initial members of the LibreSource project and the community.
- The redaction and the maintenance of a Development Road Map
- The selection of submitted contribution in perspective to be eventually integrated into the LibreSource Community Edition.
- The LibreSource Design Committee is composed of experts and the initial co-designers of LibreSource (Artenum, INRIA-Lorraine, Université Paris 7).
For more information, please contact us at