ArtenumArtenum is a company specialized in Science and Groupware. Our skills are based on our expertise in strategic fields, like scientific computing and teamwork, and our OpenSource experience. Founded in 2001, Artenum is an independent private SME. Artenum headquarters are settled into Paris Cyber Village, the business technopole of our town, Paris.
Artenum crew is proficient in mathematical modeling, physics, 3D visualization, collaborative community animation. Artenum masters Java/J2EE, Python/Jython and VTK technologies for both scientific and collaborative applications. Most of our products are OpenSource and compatible with usual operating systems.
Some of our partners or clients are CEA, CNES, EDF, ESA, INRIA, ObjectWeb, Observatoire Paris Meudon, ONERA, Universities Paris 6, Paris 7, and Paris Sud. Positioned at the research / industry interface, Artenum brings the most innovative OpenSource technologies to both sectors.
Collaborative work, Integrated Modeling Environment, distributed visualization: these are some of the advantages that Artenum can give to your scientific works.
LORIA-INRIA LorraineLoria is the Lorrain Laboratory for Research in Computing and its Applications. More specificaly, the ECOO research team (Environnement Team for COOperation) has for objectives to design and develop components for cooperative development applications. They specially focuses on s'intéresse cooperation by objects sharing in interactive distributed applications (co-design, software enginnering, cooperative edition, workflow, ...) on a large network like the Web. Main axes of research
Study of the basic concepts of the co-operation and definition of models of co-operation. The objective is to highlight building blocks of the co-operation by the usablility analysis and to integrate them in a common formalism in order to compose them. Definition of a space model for distributed cooperative activities. The objective is to define an adaptable support allowing an effective management of the distribution and the objects sharing, and allowing to users, having a weak computing infrastructure, to be interconnected while preserving their practices and tools. Scientific and industrial relationships
Research partnership with CNET, XRCE (Xerox Research Center Europe), project AEE (Peugeot, Renault), SAGEM, Siemens, VALEO, Microcolor. European collaboration within ESPRIT program (Promoter working group, Renoir network of excellence,Tempus Phare project). Participation in PRC I3.
Denis Diderot- Paris 7 UniversityThe University Paris 7 - Denis Diderot is one of the 17 universities in the Paris area . It is characterized by its multi-field teaching with a main orientation in sciences. Since several monthes, it has been involved in a project of valorization of software resources and know-how related to free software. A specific working group, within the Office of Valorization and Industrial Relations (BVRI), coordinates the actions of the University in this field. This university play a role of precursor in the academic world. Initiatives such as the
1ère Journée Denis Diderot du Libre (a free software day event) or the creation of an intellectual property charter integrating free software gives it the dimension of a partner of foreground within the consortium.
RNTLThe National Network of Research and Innovation in Software Technologies (RNTL) was set up, since 1999, by the French Ministry for Research and the French Ministry for Industry. Its mission is to support the emergence of innovating co-operative development and research projects between companies and public research institutions. These actions are opened to all companies (SME and Industrial Groups of all the economic sectors) in co-operation with teams of public research in the software fields.