Artenum provides a set of services for your organization to use and benefit from using LibreSource in a proprietary or OpenSource manner. Artenum, as a LibreSource first author, can provides specific development and integration, on demand. Please contact us for commercial information.Support and Services provided by ArtenumArtenum goal is to build up an ecosystem based on an Open Standard. We have a hybrid economical model: services + products.LibreSource Enterprise is the offer of Artenum to allow your organization to make the best use of LibreSource. Do you wish a turn-key solution, without worrying about technique? Do you wish, on the contrary, to manage and control every aspects of your server? The purpose of LibreSource Enterprise is to answer these two types of requests, as you wish.
- LSE Users License
- LSE Developer License
- Appliance
- Installation
- Dedicated hosting
- Mutualized hosting
- Project Template
- Site building
- Software factory
- Dedicated layout
- Courses
- Support
- Maintenance
- Migration
- Customization
- Extension
- Expertise
- We can give you access to your LibreSource server quickly: supply of a turn-key LibreSource server, installation on your servers, hosting on one of our servers, mutualized or privative.
- We can create with you a personalized platform: creation of project template or complete collaborative site, creation of a development lifecycle, adaptation of Web rendering.
- We can train you for the use, management and administration of LibreSource in order to communicating our best practices to you, and accompanying you during the first months thanks to a online support.
- We can perform maintenance, corrective and evolutionary, of LibreSource, and thus perennialize your investment.
- We can develop for you additional features, adapt LibreSource to your servers in production and integrate it into your information system. Last, you can contact us to build your own LibreSource solution.