posted by Sebastien Jourdain at Dec 18, 2006 2:17 PM
Syntaxe example
{put_macro_name_here}Two types of parameter separator ":" and "|"- The | is used for optional parameter. (pipe)
- The : is used for mandatory parameter
Some common macro syntaxe
- [ absolute_or_relative_path_to_the_libresource_resource ] with the name of the resource printed
- [ path |New name to print] : if you want to put another text
- {image: uri_path } to point to a LibreSource file resource
- {image:http://xxx.yy/images/zzz.png} to point to a remote image
- {image:http://xxx.yy/images/zzz.png|align=right|width=100px} to point to a remote image
To add a code part in the wiki, you have the {code} macro and to use it you have to do something like that :{code}… my code ...
… my code ...
… my code ...
{table}col_1 | col_2 | … | col_n
a | b | … | n
a | b | … | n
{box|title=Title|floating=right|width=50%}… content ...
Print the content of another resource{resource: resource_uri}List of macros
{list-of-macros}Macro | Description | Parameters |
api | Generates links to Java or Ruby API documentation. | 1: class name, e.g. java.lang.Object or java.lang.Object@Java131 2: mode, e.g. Java12, Ruby, defaults to Java (optional) |
asin | Generates links to DVD/CD dealers or comparison services. Configuration is read from conf/asinservices.txt | 1: asin number |
blink | Blink a text. | the text |
bookmarks | Display the user bookmarks. | none |
box | Create a box in order to change the basic disposition. | 1. the box title (optional) 2. the floating behaviour (left or right) (optional) 3. the height of the box (px,%) (optional) 4. the width of the box (px,%) (optional) |
children | Display the current children list. | 1. uri= ...(optional) where you list the resources, the default uri is the current 2. groupby=… (optional) to group resources.The following value are available : type or owner or uri or creation or update or name 3. sort=… (optional) to sort resources. The values available are : type or owner or uri or creation or update or name 4. creation=...(optional) allows you to filter on the creation date. The values available are: Date (dd/MM/yyyy) or '+'/'-'/'!' followed by a Date(dd/MM/yyyy): allows to keep superior/inferior/exclude date 5. update=...(optional) allows you to filter on the modification date. The values available are: Date (dd/MM/yyyy) or '+'/'-'/'!' followed by a Date(dd/MM/yyyy): allows to keep superior/inferior/exclude date 6. type=...(optional) :allows you to filter resources with its type. The values available are : Project, Template, Timeline, Page, Repository, File, Forum, Thread, Message, Group, Synchronizer, BugTracker, Issue, Site, Survey, Form, DropBox 7. owner=...(optional):allows you to show only resources belonging to one user or many users. 8. limit=...(optional): allows you to limit the displayed resources 9. depth=...(optional): allows you to fix the depth of listed ressources 10. view=...(optional): to fix the view of displayed resources. The view available are : flat (default view) or count(to display the number of listed ressources) or tree(display resource following tree viewer) |
code | Displays a chunk of code with syntax highlighting, for example Java, XML and SQL. The none type will do nothing and is useful for unknown code types. | 1: syntax highlighter to use, defaults to java (optional) |
hello | Say hello example macro. | 1: name to print |
html | By pass wiki engine to allow HTML code in content | the html block |
api-docs | Displays a list of known online API documentations and mappings. | none |
file-path | Displays a file system path. The file path should use slashes. Defaults to windows. | 1: file path |
image | Display an image. | 1. the image URI 2. align (right ,left or center) (optional) 3. width (optional) 4. height (optional) |
inter-wiki | Displays a list of known InterWiki mappings. | none |
isbn | Generates links to book dealers or comparison services. Configuration is read from conf/bookservices.txt. | 1: isbn number |
link | Generate a weblink. | unexplained, lazy programmer, probably |
list-of-macros | Displays a list of available macros. | unexplained, lazy programmer, probably |
loginBox | Display a login box. | none |
mailto | Displays an email address. | 1: mail address |
menu | Include the menu of the specified URI | 1. The uri for the menu to be include |
news | Display a message thread as news. | 1. the thread URI 2. Max (optional) |
pre | Allow rigid text style. (Keep text formating) | none |
printField | Display a node forms fields values. | 1. (uri=) The uri on which you want to get the form value (Optional, by default=.) 2. (print=) Print or not the field label and the field value (Optional, by default=label, value, edit) 3. (field=) Print or not the specified field (Optional, by default will print all) |
quote | Display quotations. | 1: source (optional) 2: displayed description, default is Source (optional) |
quoteMessage | Quote a message in another message by referencing only the message URI. | 1. The message URI to quote. |
resource | Include the view of a LibreSource resource. | 1. the uri of the resource (mandatory) 2. the view (optional) 3. the action (optional) 4. noaction (optional) |
rfc | Generates links to RFCs. | unexplained, lazy programmer, probably |
rss | Include an RSS feed. | 1. the url of the rss feed (mandatory) |
searchBox | Display a search box. | 1. the URI pattern |
subProjects | Display the current subProjects list. | none |
summary | Create the summary of a wiki page. | 1. the page URI (optional) |
survey | Display results of a survey. | the survey URI |
table | Displays a table. | none |
tableForm | Display a table listing form results. | 1. (uri=) The uri on which you want to get the form value (Optional, by default use the local path) 2. (print=) Print additinal features such as a link to the data (goLink) or a link to get a CSV file (csvExport) (Optional, by default print all) 3. (field=) The list of field to show (Optional by default all) |
timeline | Display the first items of a timeline. | 1. the timeline URI 2. Max items (optional) |
user | Generate a link to the current user page, according 'action'. | 1. the action (optional) 2. the link label (optional) |
workspaces | Display the user workspaces. | none |
xref | Generates links to Java Xref source code. | 1: class name, e.g. java.lang.Object or java.lang.Object@Nanning 2: line number (optional) |
posted by Michael Stahl at Dec 18, 2006 12:27 PM
I'm wasting my time trying to figure out the exact syntax for using macros.Can anyone post examples how to use the macros? Including all optional parameters will be