I find the solution of mapper.properties.
But now I can't deploy the ear:
2008-01-09 23:12:02,515 : AbsJWebContainerServiceImpl.deployWars : Error when deploying '/C:/JOnas/w
2008-01-09 23:12:02,531 : AbsJWebContainerServiceImpl.deployWars : Cannot deploy war '/C:/JOnas/work
/apps/jonas/LibreSource-2.3_2008.01.09-23.01.20/LibreSource-Web-2.0.war' is already deployed with th
e context '/'. You must undeploy the war before a new deployment.
2008-01-09 23:12:02,546 : AbsJWebContainerServiceImpl.deployWars : Undeploy war of the ear applicati
2008-01-09 23:12:02,562 : EarServiceImpl.deployEar : Error during the deployment of the wars file of
the Ear file /C:/JOnas/apps/autoload/LibreSource-2.3.ear': Error during the deployment: org.objectw
eb.jonas.web.JWebContainerServiceException : Cannot deploy war '/C:/JOnas/work/apps/jonas/LibreSourc
e-2.3_2008.01.09-23.01.20/LibreSource-Web-2.0.war' is already deployed with the context '/'. You must undeploy the war before a new deployment.
The problem is that I don't ahve the war deployed!