Dear All,
I'm managing several public databases at the University of Rome. I recently tried LibreSource to manage our development, with the Jonas installer (port 9000). We have used it for a few months now and I want to make it public.
It is not possible for us to keep it working on jonas. Our other web-applications are already installed on jboss which already use port 80/8080. We can't keep it as a second server running on port 9000, because administrators only accept connections to port 80.
After some configuration, I succeeded in deploying it on jboss. As I cannot obviously keep it on the root url, I modified the configuration file:
in Distribution/ services.web.context=/libresource
in Distribution/ kernel.serverUrl=
the application is running, I can access to
http://localhost:8080/libresource/ (which redirect me to /libresource/Bootstrap). But when I want to bootstrap the installation, I'm redirected to the root /Import page, instead of "/libresource/Import' as I was expecting.
By adding manually the "/libresource/" part to the url, I managed to launch the bootstrap, but the reason of this problem may be linked to my second problem:
I don't want to loose what has been previously done on our JONAs server, so I configured the application to access the previous database. The access is okay (I can log) but I can't see my old pages. Is there any way to get them back on my new jboss server.
Thank you very much,