The LibreSource consortium is proud to announce the release of the version 2.0 of LibreSource Community. This news was pre-announced during the Héphaïstos workshop, done the November 16 and 17th, 2006, Paris, about Open Source Collaborative Development Platforms. All source codes and intallers of LibreSource Community 2.0 are available on the LibreSource Community web portal:
http://www.libresource.orgLibreSource is a versatile collaborative plateform dedicated to both software development and community leading. Based on the Java/J2EE technology, LibreSource is a modular web server that users can custumize online by combining rights and resources: wiki pages, forum, trackers, files, download areas,… Moreover, LibreSource includes a Software Configuration Management tool called LibreSource Synchronizer which is innovative, simple and united. LibreSource Community 2.0 introduces « Single Sign On » authentication, XML synchronization and RSS. LibreSource Enterprise 2.0 appends additional modifications and tools such as Subversion.
In more details, « LibreSource Community 2.0 » (LSC 2.0) integrates several improvments and new features, like :
- Introduction of a « Single Sign On » service for a centralised authentication of users (CAS),
- Activation of the XML synchronization function of LibreSource Synchronizers, allowing the synchronization and a concurrent edition of XML files,
- Introduction of a viewer of LibreSource Synchronisers network or « DataFlow Viewer », based on the HyperTree library,
- Publishing of RSS feeds for public resources,
- Improvement/Simplification of the packaging, installation procedures (Ant tasks, installer) and information files,
- Improvement and correction of existing resources,
- Technical improvements and bugs fix.
In addition, the Artenum company proposes a set of improvement on her « LibreSource Enterprise 2.0 » version, based on LCS 2.0 and in full agreement with the « LibreSource Open Standard » , providing the guaranty of a full compatibility between both versions. The improvement of LSE include:
- Integration of improvements of the Community Version,
- Integration of an advanced LibreSource Data Base management/optimisation tool,
- Integration of « Multi-synchronizer Bridge » allowing to link together several remote synchronisers and to build up a distributed development/validation chain,
- Improvements of the CVS history importer,
- Integration of Subversion and link with the LibreSource Synchronisers. Subversion in integrated as a standard « LibreSource Ressource » , in conformity with the LibreSource philosophy. This offers to the integration of Subversion the same access control possibilities than for the other resources.
These improvements of the LibreSource Enterprise Edition have been done in a general openness of the platform and the improvement of its interoperability with other software forges and collaborative tools. This approach should open the way toward a general federation of software forges, distributed and on a heterogeneous technological basis.
A detailed presentation of LSC and LSE 2.0 will be soon available at the following address:
Last the LibreSource Consortium would like to thank the whole community for her contributions and feedbacks, elements which are an active part of the project’s life.
The LibreSource consortium.