posted by Stéphane Bagnier at May 19, 2007 9:33 AM
- the Tigase server script has been fixed.
- the installer now default to C:/LibreSource on Windows.
posted by Stéphane Bagnier at May 14, 2007 9:17 PM
Effective communication is a fundamental requirement for agile project management. In this new version, LibreSource 2.2 embeds the Tigase Jabber server and the Jeti Jabber client. This integration allows notifications and informal communication thru instant messaging. LibreSource simplifies the creation of a dynamic community and help to maintain and enhance team relationship in order to improve the cooperative efficiency.LibreSource 2.2 brings three new resources: LDAP groups, dropboxes, and forms. The LDAP group resource introduces the capability to map LibreSource groups of users from LDAP groups. The dropbox resource allows users to upload files to a confidential area. With the form resource, a manager can create an electronic form online and let users populate it. Such results can be selectively displayed on any page of the server, as a table or as a answer record, and can be exported to spreadsheets. This feature can be used to create questionnaires, registration forms, or any application that need formal communication.In addition, LibreSource 2.2 enforces its advantages. Several bugs have been fixed and the way security is handled has been smoothed. The server is faster now, with a smaller memory footprint. LibreSource 2.2 has a better packaging: installation, __configuration__, customization and upgrade are now easier than ever. In a few clicks, you can go in production.
posted by Stéphane Bagnier at Apr 10, 2007 10:40 PM
The next release of LibreSource will integrate a A-grade instant messaging engine. We collaborate with the Tigase project to embed the Tigase Jabber server into LibreSource. When this feature is released, you could receive your notifications on your Jabber device and chat with your teammates. We will also provide a lightweight client, with no configuration nor installation on the client side.Tigase Jabber/XMPP Server is Open Source and Free (GPL2) Java server using all available features in last JDKs. It uses NIO for network communication, selectors, concurrent JDK framework, security library and so on. All these functionalities are available directly from JDK so the need for external libraries is limited to minimum.
posted by Stéphane Bagnier at Jan 25, 2007 1:40 PM
This new release of LibreSource Community (LSC 2.1) integrates the Subversion SCM. Subversion is integrated as a standard LibreSource resource, easy to create and to administrate, in conformity with the LibreSource philosophy. With this new version, LibreSource Community offers both the innovative LibreSource Synchronizer and Subversion.This release also improves the web layout, the French version of the texts and the Wiki macros. Last, download areas can now be populated from the content of a zip file, introducing a 1-click multi-files upload feature.In addition, the Artenum Company proposes a set of improvements on LibreSource Enterprise 2.1, based on LSC 2.1 and in full agreement with the LibreSource Open Standard, providing the guaranty of a full compatibility between both versions. LSE 2.1 introduces the capability to map LibreSource groups of users from LDAP groups. This feature reinforces the integration of LibreSource in existing information systems.This release comes in the frame of a global opening of the LibreSource community to new partners and the possibility for interested people to be involved into the development with the opening of the development Synchronizers.LibreSource Community 2.1 will be released on the Artenum's stand the 30th of January 2007, during the Solutions Linux Exhibition 2007, Paris, France. At this occasion, the road map and future perspectives about software forges will discussed.
posted by Stéphane Bagnier at Nov 21, 2006 5:43 PM
The LibreSource consortium is proud to announce the release of the version 2.0 of LibreSource Community. This news was pre-announced during the Héphaïstos workshop, done the November 16 and 17th, 2006, Paris, about Open Source Collaborative Development Platforms. All source codes and intallers of LibreSource Community 2.0 are available on the LibreSource Community web portal: http://www.libresource.orgLibreSource is a versatile collaborative plateform dedicated to both software development and community leading. Based on the Java/J2EE technology, LibreSource is a modular web server that users can custumize online by combining rights and resources: wiki pages, forum, trackers, files, download areas,… Moreover, LibreSource includes a Software Configuration Management tool called LibreSource Synchronizer which is innovative, simple and united. LibreSource Community 2.0 introduces « Single Sign On » authentication, XML synchronization and RSS. LibreSource Enterprise 2.0 appends additional modifications and tools such as Subversion.In more details, « LibreSource Community 2.0 » (LSC 2.0) integrates several improvments and new features, like :
- Introduction of a « Single Sign On » service for a centralised authentication of users (CAS),
- Activation of the XML synchronization function of LibreSource Synchronizers, allowing the synchronization and a concurrent edition of XML files,
- Introduction of a viewer of LibreSource Synchronisers network or « DataFlow Viewer », based on the HyperTree library,
- Publishing of RSS feeds for public resources,
- Improvement/Simplification of the packaging, installation procedures (Ant tasks, installer) and information files,
- Improvement and correction of existing resources,
- Technical improvements and bugs fix.
- Integration of improvements of the Community Version,
- Integration of an advanced LibreSource Data Base management/optimisation tool,
- Integration of « Multi-synchronizer Bridge » allowing to link together several remote synchronisers and to build up a distributed development/validation chain,
- Improvements of the CVS history importer,
- Integration of Subversion and link with the LibreSource Synchronisers. Subversion in integrated as a standard « LibreSource Ressource » , in conformity with the LibreSource philosophy. This offers to the integration of Subversion the same access control possibilities than for the other resources.
posted by Sebastien Jourdain at Aug 4, 2006 9:21 AM
Artenum, société innovante dans les domaines de la science et du groupware, annonce le lancement de "LibreSource Express", une offre d'hébergement de projets de développement collaboratif sur plate-forme LibreSource. LibreSource Express permet aux entreprises de disposer d'une forge de développement collaboratif fiable, sécurisée, accessible partout dans le monde et ne nécessitant aucun investissement lourd. LibreSource Express est accessible à partir de 29,90 € HT par mois sans engagement de durée. Pour en savoir plus :
posted by Florent Jouille at Feb 3, 2006 5:39 PM
- A flash demo of Libresource installation process is available Installation demo
- The documentation has been updated Online documentation
posted by Florent Jouille at Feb 3, 2006 5:39 PM
- Libresource at Solution Linux
- Release of LibreSource 1.5 (available here)
- ObjectWeb Jury's Special Price for LibreSource at ObjectWebCon'06
- Roadmap fixed for 2006
posted by Florent Jouille at Feb 3, 2006 5:37 PM
LibreSource has been nominated to the ObjectWebCon'06 Best Use Case Contest