posted by Sebastien Jourdain at Apr 22, 2008 11:26 PM
- ArchitectureEN.png
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- ArchitectureEN.png
- area for logos
- Artenum-picto-200x200.gif
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- ArchitectureEN.png
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- LS RMLL science.pdf
- LS4science.pdf
- LibreSource Design Committee
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- LibreSource Old News
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- area for logos
- award-specialprize2006-200.png
- images.jpeg
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- logo_LibreSource.gif
- images.jpeg
- award-specialprize2006-200.png
- area for logos
- Web readers
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- Technical Overview
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- LibreSource in Action
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- LibreSource SL2007.pdf
- LibreSource Overview
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- LS RMLL science.pdf
- Images
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- GlobalSearch.png
- Faq
- Development
- Core team and Partners
- Community
- Artenum-picto-200x200.gif
- ArchitectureEN.png
posted by Paul Libbrecht at Apr 22, 2008 9:53 PM
Hello Libresourcers,I couldn't find a way to list particular children sorted in the reverse way, either date or alphabetic.thanks in advance.paul